The groundbreaking generative AI exclusively designed for Intellectual Property tasks.

"Too much to read"

Drafting and analysing by your own

Back in the days: Assistance was there

The challenges

of daily IP work.

Reading and

relevant text passages in

  • approx. 160 million patents worldwide
  • approx. 3.5 million new patents per year
  • approx. 18 million patents in force
  • approx. 15 - 200 pages per patent

So far critical factors have been ...

  • Tapping into the knowledge of experienced professionals.
  • Ensuring seamless coordination among large, synchronized teams.
  • Investing significant time in thorough preparations.
  • Encountering challenges with limited time for strategic planning.
  • Allocating considerable budget to high-cost resources.

With patentbutler.AI your own work and experience becomes key again and not your spendings on resources.

How it works ...

  • Extract
  • Compare
  • Search
  • Generate
  • patentbutler.AI is the groundbreaking advantage to enforce a faster and more precise work basis for several tasks in the field of Intellectual Property.
  • The key function of this assistant is exctracting and identifying relevant publications for your purpose.
  • Dive into a search through all patents or a selected set. It marks key paragraphs for easy comparison, giving you a quick and strong base for your main work ahead.

Powered by IBMs, patentbutler.AI is trustworthy, targeted and safe.

patentbutler.AI features a set of unique assets

  • SECURE and FAST:

IBMs latest data processing units are used in a non-cloud, on-premise solution in the Austrian Alps.


The solution is designed and trained for specific use cases in Intellectual Property. No non-IP data is part of the data basis.


patentbutler.AI is under the guideline of a transparent and frequently evaluated data governance. Your confidential data is never vulnerable to an unwanted prepublishing.


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